Even now in all Private sectors like banking, Insurance and all others firms, people who are in top level management are of forward class who fall under just 15-20 % of our Indian population, Whereas people who are of below backward class were occupied in top level management is not even greater than 2% of the whole. Now you may arise with a question of having reservation system ,Yes ! having reservation is a must thing, but how to handle the reservation system is the main agenda here.
When we look into the below backward class peoples, they are not up to the remark of having a proper education so as to come to the line of reservation counter. No politician is thinking about providing a good & free education to these peoples ,allocating ideal fund for this education system is also become a problematic thing. Since now government is concentrating more on infrastructure development and allocating enormous fund for that is of course a mere waste thing for a country like India, until otherwise the education level of our population should reach a remarkable position without any segregation in
religion & caste. Or even bisecting infrastructural fund for educational purpose will gives a shaky hand in mutual development towards countries growth.
Government should establish a non-government bodies to look into this education system. Government should have a tax exceptional agreement with private concerns to fund for this education system. As Infosys is doing a great work in consolidating this chapter by providing free computer education for rural students. Big Public Limited & private bodies like TATA, Reliance, WIPRO, CTS, ICICI and all other concerns should step forward in looking out this issue sincerely and government should have a exceptional agreement with these bodies by providing discounts in doing better business. This will work better in promoting better education for the poor and backward class students.
Once we achieved the above proposals or even give up a start to the respective activities ,we can very well follow up with the reservation system and can sustain a mutual growth in education and also countries growth. If this comes handy ,one day in India we will not be having this reservation system, but it’s not a short term process as we all know , lets stand together in achieving the same. Every well positioned citizen of India having responsibility in educating at least on poor or below backward student. Kindly do that. Be a responsible Indian.
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